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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Jane's USAF 2003 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2004-05-16 06:35:10 Views : 19901 Submitted By : Irosha [1]ACCESS RED FLAG WITHOUT EVER FLYING A MISSION. create a pilot (remember the name & the callsign). quit the game. go to the resource/missions folder. open the simulation.ini file. go to end or the [playerdata] section. change the record of your pilot name as follows. find the rank of your pilot in the record and change it to "Lt" (without quotations). now it should be look like this Record02=exit|[None]|eJect|[None]|x:\game\usaf\Resource\Menu\Bmp\PilotPhotos\pic01.bmp|0|[None]|0|Lt|0|0|0 now you can play red flag missions with out ever getting the rank.study the rest of the colomns to understand this section more! [2]RANK CHEAT open the resource/missions. open the admini.ini file. go to the section [RankEnum]. change the records as follows. go to the colomn after the rank. Record02=2|Lt|1000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank02.bmp|Congratulations........ change it to your preference. i suggest changing it to 1000 as shown above. change all the other rank scores with a gap of 1000. there for in order to be captain you must get a total score of 2000. if you do this properly at the end of all the trainig missions you will become a GENERAL!!! [3]MEDAL CHEAT go to the \resource/mission folder. open the admin.ini file. go to the section [medal]. delete all Record00 to Record12. put the following records in that deleted space as it is. Record00=AF Commendation Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\commendation medal.bmp Record01=Air Force Achievement Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\achievement medal.bmp Record02=Air Force Cross|\Menu\DME\Medals\Air_Force_Cross.bmp Record03=Air Force Good Conduct Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\good conduct medal.bmp Record04=Air Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\air medal.bmp Record05=Airman's Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\airman's medal.bmp Record06=Distinguished Flying Cross|\Menu\DME\Medals\distinguished flying cross medal.bmp Record07=Grand Canyon Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\Grand Canyon Medal.bmp Record08=Kuwait Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\kuwait medal.bmp Record09=Medal of Honor|\Menu\DME\Medals\medal of honor.bmp Record10=Operation Grey Fox Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\Germany Medal.bmp Record11=Silver Star|\Menu\DME\Medals\silver star medal.bmp Record12=Vietnam Service Medal|\Menu\DME\Medals\vietnam service medal.bmp now select any mission file (it should be a mission in the game preferably the easy trining missions. go to the [missionside] section. find a record as the following at the bottom of this section. Record00=Blue|Player|\Brief\Training\WSBrief2.htm|............... the colomn after the mentioning of the .htm file usualy is [None]. put any medal name as it is from the perviously edited admin file medal section. if you want the AF cross put the "Air Force Cross" with out the " " things. now put 100 to the next colomn. put any greating text messege for the next [None] colomn. now it should look like the following. Record00=Blue|Player|\Brief\Training\WSBrief2.htm|Air Force Cross|100|well done|.... you should change only these 3 colomns to your preferences. when you finish the selected mission and if you score a 100 you will get the af cross!!. likewise select any other easy missions and do this to get all the 13 medals. I suggest you do all the cheats in one time (carefull, if u feel uncomfertable make copies of the original files befor the editing.) if u do this u will be general as well as will get all the medals in the easy way. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Jane's USAF 2003 cheat codes.
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